Covid-19 is all new to us. There is not much data available for us to learn. However, every day we are learning more about this virus. Expecting a baby during pandemic can be stressful. However, there are no conclusions derived yet on how coronavirus can affect pregnant women and their babies, but caution is taken to safeguard them from catching this virus.
Having concern for your baby is normal especially during global pandemic like covid-19. This article is intended to provide you with some information you need to know if you are pregnant and having uncertainties about coronavirus and the respiratory illness it causes.
Pregnant women can follow the health etiquettes to safeguard themselves from covid-19. Wear protective masks when you need to go outside. Coronavirus spread from an infected person to others through respiratory droplets that get into air when they cough, sneeze or even speak. By wearing mask, you can prevent catching this virus to some extent.
For ordering your mask, visit Custom Earth Promos. Here you get any kind of good quality masks that can also be customized as you prefer.
Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds every now and then especially if you touch any surface or objects. You can also use sanitizers that have more than 60% alcohol. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth before disinfecting your hands.
Try to stay away from sick people. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently used by people. Maintain social distance of 6 feet from others in public.
Pregnant Women More Vulnerable To Covid-19
Fortunately, there is no evidence that coronavirus has some serious effect on pregnant women than in normal young adults. Pregnant women may experience some mild symptoms, but it is too early to decide anything. More research needs to be done on this.
You may wonder whether you can pass the virus to your baby, if you are affected with covid-19. Still there is no enough research on this. However, no virus was found in mother’s milk, which were positive for this virus.
Evidences are there that some babies born to mothers who are affected with this virus have tested positive, but this doesn’t mean that the baby got the virus from its mother. Newborns can easily catch the virus after birth since their immune system might not have developed, it might be harder for them to fight infection.
If the mother is affected with coronavirus at the time of delivery, doctors recommend separating their newborn temporarily from the mother.
What Should You Do If Affected With Covid-19?
If you have any symptoms, such as a cough, fever, or trouble breathing let your physician know about your symptoms. You may also have some other symptoms like, a sore throat, chills, muscle pain, headache, a loss of taste or smell.
If you feel that you are affected with this virus, you can quarantine yourself at home. Have fluids and take proper rest. If symptoms get worse, you need special care. Contact your doctor before visiting in.
How To Protect Your Baby?
Keep your baby away from others and especially from anyone who is sick. Wash your hands before touching your baby. You can breastfeed your baby even if you are positive to covid-19 but follow hygiene routine. Stay home, stay safe!