How to Fix Erectile Dysfunction

How to Fix Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a problematic condition when men are unable to sustain an erection for the intercourse. A study was conducted by the National Institute of Health revealed that more than 30 million American men are suffering from this problem. Another report revealed that more than 50% of the people are suffering from erectile dysfunction who have crossed the age of 75 years. The statistics revealed by the American Institute, this shows that this percentage is alarming and it requires an immediate action.


Erectile dysfunction is not only limited to aged people as a matter of fact that even men who are in their 20s and 30s are suffering from it. There are several reasons, which are responsible for this issue. Some of the reasons are

  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Fatigue
  • Relationship issues
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Persistent stress and anxiety

You are a man and you cannot get a hard on at the right time, only you can understand the embarrassment in this situation. Even if you are facing this problem for long, there is nothing to worry. The only thing you need to do is to consult a specialist and he will find out the cause and fix your erectile dysfunction issue.

Here are some of the things, which you can do at your own. They are natural and do not have any kind of negative effects on your health.


Many people want to know how an exercise will help in recovering from erectile dysfunction. Many people cannot understand that exercise not only is beneficial for your vital organs, but it brings several positive effects on your body. Regular exercise is must to stay healthy. In the same context the Harvard research, that walking only for 30 minutes has brought a significant decrease in erectile dysfunction. Just by brisk walking, you can minimize the risk of developing erectile dysfunction up to 41%. If you are obese and crossed 35 years of age, then start doing moderate exercise. Cialis will improve your sexual performance, consult your physician if you need to use it for long.

Fix Erectile Dysfunction

Eat a balanced diet

A study was conducted about male ageing in the Massachusetts Institute of health revealed that consuming a healthy diet, which is full of vegetables, whole grain, fish, and fruits will minimize the chances of developing erectile dysfunction. The same research further revealed that deficiency of vitamin B12 is a cause of erectile dysfunction. All you need to do is to eat healthy food items to avoid this situation.

Use medications

There are several medicines in the market like Cialis, which you can use to increase the flow of blood to your vital organ. If you have to use it for long, then it is imperative to consult your physician to avoid side effects.


There are several studies about erectile dysfunction and they have produced mixed results in the same context. Acupuncture is also a factor in treating erectile dysfunction. A study was conducted on 39 patients by the International Study of Impotence research showed that acupuncture improved the quality of erections significantly.

Exercise your way to Build your body

It is possible for every single person to develop and follow and effective exercise regimen with using just the body and its weight.  Since most people are very busy leading busy and harried lives, many companies have designed and introduced a lot of different equipment with the promise of success and good health.  Health clubs are also popular as these are started with the intent to get people moving and become healthy.  In recent past there is a craze of maintaining six pack abs. There is a race to make these six packs as quickly as possible. Here are few exercise tips that will help you to get the desired six pack figure:

Below is a list of some of the useful exercises that will help you to get 6pack abs:

  • AB Wheel Rollout: AB wheel is a specifically designed wheel for abs. In this lie down on the ground facing the floor and holding the wheel with both hands. Now keep moving back and forth with the help of this wheel.
  • Pull-ups: One of the most common exercise and vital too, to get toned abs. This does not require any special equipment and can be done by hanging yourself to any rod with the help of your hands. Make sure that you firmly hold the rod and stick and then pull yourself up against the gravity.
  • Weighted Crunch: In this exercise lie face-up with knees and feet flat on the ground. Then stretch your hands towards your knees and slowly lift your shoulders and head off the ground.
  • Do not skip cardio: AB exercises will help to build the muscles in your core and cardio will not help to directly make abs but it helps to burn the fat that covers the muscles. So it is a supporting exercise.

It is very important to understand that variation may not help to get that abs but repetition will. So, do these exercises on consistent basis!

Equipment to consider:

Under the heading of cardio equipment, one has a wide variety of machines to choose from – exercise bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines, NordicTrack (stimulates skiing), Stair steppers and rowers to name a few.  These machines offer people a wide variety of workouts and help to burn off fat and calories.  Prices can vary depending on whether it is a manual or motorized piece of equipment.  It pays to check with the doctor and sales person on which one to buy.

Strength training equipment is available in a wide variety too – some of the basics that one can invest in are walking and running shoes, ankle weights, a weight bench, hand weights and resistance bands.  All of these pieces will cost far less than investing in individual machines to strengthen different muscle groups in the body.  They also take up little space and can be stored in boxes in a closet or under the bed after use. Investing in an exercise mat is a good idea as well as it helps a person to do their exercises without worrying about slippage etc.