It is natural for a woman to go through menopause. Even though there is no specific age when a woman will start developing menopause symptoms, but on average, this happens about four years before their last period. Unfortunately, there is no telling when that is going to be. Each woman develops different symptoms. That is why you must know what to expect and how to tell if what you are experiencing are symptoms of menopause.
When Menopause Starts
As mentioned, the symptoms may appear four years before their last menstrual period. But some women experience symptoms a decade before their menopause starts. According to health experts, the median age for menopause is 51 on average and up to 2 years earlier for others. There are so many factors to consider that can help you determine when your menopause will start, but mostly, it’s genetics and overall ovary health.
Common Symptoms of Menopause
There are different symptoms of menopause. Some have just a couple, while others experience almost all of them throughout the years, leading to when their menopause starts. So if you want to know what are the symptoms of menopause, then here are the most common ones that you should look out for:
- Irregular Periods. This is the most common sign of menopause. If you are used to having regular monthly periods and suddenly see changes for the past months or years, you can go through your menopausal transition.
- Hot Flushes. This is one of the most debilitating symptoms that most women experience during their menopausal transition. A hot flush is when you feel warmth is surging throughout your body, even during a day when the weather is not that hot or humid. Some women wake from sleeping feeling sweaty and hot.
- Mood Disturbances. Some women who are experiencing the worst mood changes think that they are just having a bad day. But in reality, they are not aware that this is another sign of menopause. Mood disturbances can be as mild as feeling irritable to worse cases such as anxiety and depression.
- Sleep Problems. Are you having trouble sleeping? That can be a sign of menopause. According to reports, up to 60% of women experience sleep disturbance at some point during the menopausal transition.
- Vaginal Dryness and Poor Libido. Another factor that can be affected by your menopausal transition is your sex life. Vaginal dryness can be expected for some women. While others notice they lose interest in getting intimate with their partners. Although there are other contributors to these problems, menopause is one of them.
The symptoms of menopause are manageable. All you need is to find experts that can help you deal with this. If you do not want to go through these symptoms alone, then you can visit and see a specialist who can help find the best solution to your menopause-related symptoms.